Check All Margin Calculators

Calculating margin before you place your trades is extremely important. In fact, seasoned investors consider margin trading one of the topmost factors while choosing a scrip for the trade they are looking to place.

If you are a client of Fyers, thenĀ Fyers Margin Calculator is a very important tool that you’d need regularly in your trades.

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This becomes even more important for people looking for intraday trading or even, as a matter of fact, derivatives trading.

Based on the volatility in the market, the margin values change and then the corresponding trading decisions change too. In this detailed review, we will have a look at theĀ Fyers Margin Calculator and see different margin values offered by this discount broker to its clients across different trading segments.

Fyers Margin Calculator Review

Last updatedĀ 19th January 2025

Most of the discount brokers in India do not provide very high margin values to their respective clients.

You may find a few exceptions here and there (such as Angel Broking, who has recently pivoted towards flat brokerage) but mostly, the margin values will be low to mid-level only.

As far as Fyers margin is concerned, well, the trend is pretty much similar in the case of this discount broker as well. The margin values are at around mid-level and thus, you are suggested to make your choices accordingly.

In thisĀ Fyers Margin Calculator, we will first have a look at the Equity segment.

Fyers Margin Calculator Equity

When it comes to Equity, there are two types of trading possible – Delivery and Intraday.

As far as Equity Delivery is concerned, Fyers is very clear on this segment and provides NO Leverage or margin to its clients. Thus, the multiplier stays as 1X or 1 time of your trading account balance against the trade.

Yea, Intraday trading is a different ball-game altogether where you can reasonable margin to place your trades and earn higher profit margins for your trades.

Just to inform you on this front, if you use Fyers margin for intraday trading, the window is open between 9.15 am to 3.15 pm during trading sessions.

The square off can be done manually by you before the trading window closes, otherwise, the system does it automatically for you 15 minutes before the stock market closes for the day.

As far asĀ Fyers Margin Calculator for Equity segment is concerned, here are the details:

Fyers Margin Calculator Equity Futures

When it comes to derivatives trading, the ground becomes much more slippery in terms of the volatility it brings along.

The trading products or scrips in this segment have a corresponding expiry date in terms of the margin offered by the broker. In other words, the margin values shown byĀ Fyers Margin Calculator varies with the expiry date.

As shown in the below table, the margin value against the expiry date is valid till the given date and you can plan your trade accordingly.