Check All Margin Calculators

Tradeplus online gives you an offer to trade in different segments of the trading products just by putting partly money that is available in your hand and the rest will be funded by Tradeplus. In other words,Ā Tradeplus Margin!

Letā€™s start with the Tradeplus Margin review.

Tradeplus Margin Calculator

A trader with Tradeplus has an opportunity to trade in various types of products available for trading. The name of the products and the scrips available for margin will be discussed in the latter part of this article.

If you are the one who is not new in the share market, you must have an idea of the concept ā€˜Marginā€™.

In short, we can say, a trader who has limited available fund for trading and wants to buy more stocks can avail margin trading facility from the company.

With this facility, a trader can buy extra stock and the company charges interest on the funded amount.

The margin can be paid by the Tradeplus in the form of approved stock or cash.Ā Following are the segments and the product type in which margin is given by the stockbroker Tradeplus.

  • Equity (CNC, MIS, NRML, BO/CO)
  • Equity Future (MIS, NRML, BO/CO)
  • Commodity (MIS, NRML, CO/BO)
  • Currency (MIS,NRML)

Checking Tradeplus Margin

It is very important to know the segment and the scrips in which margin is allowed by the company.

Not only is this, but the value of margin most important because only after that a trader can calculate his /her buying power. Cash that remains in the hand of a trader plus the required margin helps to know the number of shares a trader can buy.

To check the value of margin and the scrip, you need to go to the margin table mentioned-below in each segment. If you can find the required scrip on the screen it is ok. If you canā€™t see that, you just need to go to the search bar on the right-hand side of the table.

After that, if that scrip will be available in the list of margin that will come in front of you on the screen with the allowed margin value.

Tradeplus Margin Products

There are various types of margin types offered within a segment. Now, we are going to discuss each margin product type one by one in brief.

  • CNC: In the ā€˜Cash and Carryā€™ Margin type, the transactions are delivery based and 100% margin is available in the product type.
  • MIS: The full form this margin product type is ā€˜Margin Intraday Square offā€™. Tradeplus offer 10x Leverage on all the stocks trading in the future segment. All positions under this product type is squared off automatically before 30 minutes of market closing.
  • CO/BO: In this margin product, the margin is available on all F&O trading stocks. The margin is 5% allowed and the stop-loss is 3%. The open positions in this margin product type will automatically square off before 30 minutes of market closing.
  • NRML: The transactions are delivery based under this product type. 2X and 1X Margin are available at Group 2 stocks and for all other groups of securities respectively.

Tradeplus Equity Margin Calculator

The very first and the most popular segment for trading and investing is ā€˜Equityā€™.

As in this segment, there is no barrier of lot size. So, one can easily trade with their limited cash. And if they want to invest/trade with extra share i.e. more than their available cash, can take the equity margin.

The below-mentioned table shows the scrips and the value of margin available for equity margin.