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Sharekhan Margin Calculator tool here is to assist you with the latest margin values provided by Sharekhan across different trading segments. These values are updated on a regular basis so that you are able to access the latest margin values for the specific trading scrip you are looking to put money into.

ThisĀ Sharekhan Margin Calculator is available across all trading segments including commodity trading, equity, currency trading, derivatives trading and so on.

Let’s have a quick look.

Sharekhan Margin Calculator Review

Before we delve into the exact Sharekhan margin values, this needs to be known that this full-service stockbroker is not known to provide high margin values, be it any trading segment. Thus, if you are an existing client of this broker or are looking to open a demat account with it, you might not be totally pleased with the exposure you are going to get.

Here is a quick general overview of margin provided at trading segment level:

Thus, here by the look of it, you’d have understood that the margin values offered here are not for traders looking for low brokerage high exposure in their trades. Nonetheless, refer to this detailed Sharekhan Margin Calculator if you are a client and are looking to place a trade.

Sharekhan Equity Margin Calculator

When it comes to Equity trading, Sharekhan gives you a buy margin of as low as 25% in a few scrips and goes as high as 100% in others.

There is a varied range in this segment when it comes to the margin one may get. Furthermore, there is a differentiation when it comes to delivery and intraday forms of trading. For intraday, you may get margin as high as 10 times of your initial deposit while in delivery, margin values provided are minimal.

Here are the details at the equity scrip level in this Sharekhan margin calculator:

Last updatedĀ 18th January 2025