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It is said that investing in the share market requires a lot of experience and knowledge. You need to know when to invest, how much to invest, and when to sell the purchased stocks. If you have an experienced advisor with you, all of this may seem quite simple. One of the several advisory firms in the country, TradeNexa Investment Advisor and Research, offers trading tips to their clients on the Indian commodity market and the stock market.
They have a team of analysts that conduct all the research and analysis before providing stock investment tips to their clients. They help their clients achieve their individual financial goals by making them aware of risk management and money management principles.
The goal of Tradenexa is to help their clients become capable enough to expand their individual capital and financial base in order to attain success and delight from investing. They also work with the sole mission of providing detailed knowledge and information resources to all their clients.
TradeNexa Services
The experts at TradeNexa provide a bagful of services to their clients. These services have been designed to cater to the needs of different clients and to help them achieve their financial goals. Some of the key and popular services have been defined below.
Stock Cash Basic Services
This happens to be the most basic service provided in the equity cash segment by TradeNexa. Tips related to the high percentile in the equity market is provided in this segment. Some of the features you can avail of this service are mentioned below.
- You will receive a single intraday call every day.
- The accuracy level of their tips is 95%.
- You will also receive proper news information, as well as, follow-ups.
- You will be given one entry and exit message every day along with tips.
- You can expect round the clock customer support and you will also receive calls through company messenger lab or SMS.
Stock Cash Premium Service
This service is a step higher than the previous service of stock cash tips. Along with daily intraday calls, clients are also given weekly calls. These calls are usually with a lower risk-reward ratio and a high target. Some of the key features of this service are discussed below.
- You can expect 1 sure intraday call every day.
- You will be made aware of the instant market support and you will also receive round the clock customer support.
- The experts at TradeNexa maintain an accuracy level of 95% and clients are also provided with proper news information and follow-ups.
- The risk-reward ratio is 1:2 and you will be given special WhatsApp messages related to stock investments.
Stock Cash HNI Services
As the name suggests, this service falls in the HNI or High Net worth Individual segment. This is basically designed for those traders who have a high net worth and who also wish to build a rock-solid financial foundation. Some of the key features of this service are mentioned below.
- Expect 24hours customer support and a risk-reward ratio of 1:2.
- You will be provided 1 entry and 1 exit message with each tip.
- Every day you will receive a single sure intraday call with an accuracy margin of 95%.
- You will be made aware of the instant market support and you will also be given special WhatsApp messages.
Stock Cash Supreme Service
If you wish to trade once a day and prefer to enjoy a higher return every day, then this service is aptly suited for you. TradeNexa provides a single recommendation for intraday trading in the supreme cash segment.
Stock Cash BTST/Delivery Service
If you do not like to miss out on profits from the next day’s market, then you need to go for this service. A high level of accuracy is maintained in this service and you will surely get great returns from your trading.
Intraday Future Service
TradeNexa also provides intraday future services to clients, in which you will receive intraday stock futures trading tips which are backed by a great accuracy level. This is possible due to the deep research and strong prediction of stock market made by the experts at Tradenexa.
Stock Future Premium Service
This is one of the premium services in the stock future segment. If you are satisfied with the stock future basic service, you can opt for the stock future premium service. If you choose this service it can act as a great means to help you develop a solid capital foundation.
Index Option HNI Service
Based on the options segment, the index options HNI service basically deals with options trading strategies. This service is specially designed for those clients who have a high net-worth and can easily invest a large sum in this segment. Minimum capital needed for investment in this segment is 1Lakh.
Options such as Sensex and Nifty are traded in this segment.
Stock Options Basic Services
This is one of the basic services provided by Tradenexa. This service is in the Options segment, which is executed by buying “call” and “put” at different levels. This service is designed for those clients who are new in the options segment.
Stock Option Premium Services
This service provided by TradeNexa is specially designed for those clients who wish to invest a moderate amount of capital in the stock options segment. It does not involve a lot of risks and, thus, happens to be one of the best-selling services of the advisory firm. Here are some of the features discussed in details for this service.
- This service will provide you with around 350% return every month.
- Their tips are provided on intraday calls at the rate of 1 every day with an accuracy margin of 95%.
- Special messages through WhatsApp are provided along with calls made through SMS or Company Messenger Lab.
- The risk-reward ratio in this service is 1:2and you will be given round the clock customer support.
- Each tip will be accompanied by 1 entry and 1 exit message.
Stock Future HNI Services
This service in the future segment is designed for HNI traders by TradeNexa. The future segment happens to be a high potential segment. However, while trading with the help of proper guidance, you can easily amass colossal profits in this segment. Some of the features of this service are listed below.
- You will get just a single intraday call each day with an accuracy level of 95%.
- You can expect to get 3.4 Lakhs to 5.8 Lakhs from your investment in a month.
- You will get proper news information and follow-ups along with 1 exit and 1 entry message with each tip.
- You will get special messages through WhatsApp and calls through company messenger lab or SMS.
- The stop loss: target ratio is 1:2
Index Futures HNI Services
This service is one of the popular services provided by TradeNexa. It falls in the futures segment for those of you who do not know much, the contracts in the future segment are signed at a later date and a later rate. Features of this services are mentioned below.
- You can expect to get a return of ₹1 Lakh to ₹2 Lakhs from your investments in a month.
- They provide an intraday call every day with an accuracy margin of 95%.
- You will be provided with 1 entry and 1 exit message with proper tips.
- Messages will be forwarded to you through WhatsApp and calls will be made through either SMS or company messenger lab.
Bullion Trading Tips Service
This service is in the commodity segment and happens to be one of the various superlative services provided by Tradenexa. Although the commodity segment is quite uncertain with high levels of fluctuations, you can still make huge profits if you are guided well while trading.
Bullion Super HNI Tips Services
This service is specially designed for those traders who usually invest an extremely large sum of money in the commodity market. You will get HNI calls in this service which are usually related to various precious metals such as silver and gold.
Base Metal Basic Service
As the name suggests, this service is related to trading in the base metal segment such as zinc, copper, aluminium, and lead. It is designed for less volatile traders. This means that it is meant for those traders who cannot trade in the precious metal segment. 1 or 2 intraday calls with strict stop losses are made to such clients.
Base Metal HNI Service
This service for HNI clients is in the energy segment. You need a minimum capital investment of a Lakh and you will receive 1 extremely accurate HNI call, crude oil trading tips, crude oil tips specialist, and free crude oil tips in this service. You are expected to divide your investment capital in a uniform manner in the calls given.
MCX Basic Service
If you wish to trade in the MCX market or the commodity market, this service will be best suited for your needs. In this service, you will also receive calls pertaining to agro-commodities and metals along with calls for precious metals. Since this is a basic service, you will be recommended to invest a small capital in this service.
MCX Super HNI Service
Amongst all the services rendered by Tradenexa, this is one of the premier level services. Again, this service is meant for those clients who can easily invest a large sum of money in this service and who wish to enjoy great profits. The minimum amount you need to invest in this service is 10Lakhs and you can easily base your business on this service and get pretty high returns.
Stock Cash + Stock Future Combo Service
This service will help you get combined calls pertaining to futures and cash segments. Since in the cash segment you cannot short sell but only buy, you will receive just buy calls on the delivery basis. However, in the futures segment, you can buy and sell the futures contract.
Stock Cash + Stock Option Combo Service
This service will help you receive combined calls of both options and cash segments. You will also receive analytical reports and diverse newsletters in this service, which will be associated with both options and cash segments.
Stock Future + Stock Option Combo Service
This service will help you receive combined calls in F&O tips of options and futures segments. This is an ideal service for investors and traders. You will receive different analytical reports and newsletters for both options and futures segment.
All Equity Pack In Demand
TradeNexa offers this combined equity pack which will help you get equity trading tips along with on-demand calls in the equity segment. Both delivery based and intraday calls are provided. You will receive 2 or 3 calls in this service.
MCX + Cash Combo Service
In this service, you will receive both equity and commodity or MCX based calls. In the latter, you will receive calls related to MCX intraday trading tips, MCX trading, and best MCX tips. In the former, you will receive calls mostly related to Nifty 50 stocks and indexes.
Stock + Energy Combo Service
This service will help you get calls pertaining to energy tips and stock tips segments. The primary aim of this service is diversification of the portfolio and equal investments in both energy and stock domains.
Base Metal Super HNI Service
Amongst all the HNI services in the base metal segment provided by Tradenexa, this happens to be at the zenith level. Only High Net Worth clients are eligible to avail this service, who have the means to invest a high capital in this segment. A minimum of 1Lakh is needed to be invested in this service. You will get 1 or 2 regular calls pertaining to this service.
Nexa’s Golden Growth Pack
This is the service package or the ultimate pack provided by Tradenexa. This pack is designed to help you get consistent growth and profits in your wealth.
B1-B2 Supreme Pack
In this service, the calls are allied to the commodity or equity segments. You will receive 1 or 2 calls every day pertaining to intraday dealings.
TradeNexa Pricing
Choosing the right membership can be a difficult choice if you do not know much about the pricing of each package. Based on this fact. Let us move ahead with the pricing of each of the services listed above.
- Stock Cash Basic Services: This service comes with 4 different package categories. The monthly pack comes for ₹7000, the quarterly comes for ₹18000, the half-yearly comes for ₹31000, and the annual pack comes for ₹55000.
- Stock Cash Premium Services: This service also comes with 4 packages. The monthly pack comes for ₹9000, the quarterly pack comes for ₹25000, the half-yearly pack comes for ₹45000, and the annual pack comes for ₹81000.
- Stock Cash HNI Services: This service comes with four different payment packages, such as the monthly comes for ₹15000, the quarterly comes for ₹39000, the half-yearly comes for ₹71000, and the annual comes for ₹125000.
- Intraday Option: The monthly pack for this service comes for ₹7000, quarterly pack for ₹18000, half-yearly pack for ₹31000, and the annual pack for ₹55000.
- Option HNI: The monthly pack for this service is ₹15000, a quarterly pack is ₹39000, the half-yearly pack is for ₹71000, and an annual pack is for ₹125000.
- Stock Option Premium Services: This service comes at a monthly pack for ₹9000, a quarterly pack for ₹25000, a half-yearly pack for ₹45000, and a yearly pack for ₹81000.
- Intraday Future Service: This service has the monthly pack for ₹8000, quarterly pack for ₹21000, half-yearly pack for ₹38000, and annual pack for ₹70000.
- Future Premium: This service comes at a monthly pack of ₹11000, quarterly pack for ₹30000, half-yearly pack for ₹55000, and annual pack for ₹100000.
- Stock Future HNI Services: This service also comes with 4 different payment packs. The monthly pack comes for ₹25000, the quarterly pack comes for ₹71000, the half-yearly pack comes for ₹130000, and the annual pack comes for ₹250000.
- Base Metal: The monthly pack for this service comes for ₹7000, the quarterly pack for ₹18000, the half-yearly pack for ₹31000, and the annual pack for ₹55000.
- Metal Super HNI: The monthly pack comes for ₹15000, the quarterly pack for ₹39000, the half-yearly pack comes for ₹71000, and the annual pack for ₹125000.
- Metal + Energy: This service also has 4 packs of which the monthly pack comes for ₹15000, the quarterly pack for ₹31000, the half-yearly pack for ₹55000, and the annual pack for ₹110000.
- Bullion: The monthly pack comes for ₹9000, the quarterly pack for ₹25000, the half-yearly pack for ₹45000, and the annual pack for ₹81000.
- Bullion HNI: The monthly pack in this service comes for ₹18000, the quarterly pack for ₹50000, the half-yearly pack for ₹91000, and the annual pack for ₹175000.
- Energy: The monthly pack for this service comes for ₹7000, the quarterly pack for ₹18000, the half-yearly pack for ₹31000, and the annual pack for ₹55000.
- Energy HNI: The monthly pack for this service comes for ₹15000, the quarterly pack for ₹41000, the half-yearly pack for ₹75000, and the annual pack for ₹140000.
- MCX: The monthly package for this service comes at ₹15000, the quarterly for ₹41000, the half-yearly pack for ₹75000, and the annual pack for ₹140000.
- MCX HNI Pack: This service comes with a monthly package of ₹31000, a quarterly pack for ₹85000, half-yearly pack for ₹151000, and annual pack for ₹275000.
- Agri: This effective package comes at a monthly pack for ₹10000, quarterly pack for ₹27000, half-yearly pack for ₹50000, and annual pack for ₹91000.
TradeNexa Advantages
Here is a quick look at some of the benefits of TradeNexa:
- They have a wide range of services fit for different types of traders with varied financial goals.
- They also provide a free trial of their trading strategy services with a host of features.
TradeNexa Disadvantages
At the same time, here are a few concerns you must know of:
- The pricing of their services seems a bit higher than its competitors.
Trading in the stock market involves a certain percentage of risk. It is advisable that if you are not willing to risk your hard-earned money, it is not a good idea to invest in the stock market. Seeking the advisory services of someone quite experienced in the share market, such as TradeNexa, will help you avoid risks to some extent.
Nonetheless, it is a good idea to compare the pros and cons of several advisory firms before choosing the right one as per your needs and budget.
In case you are looking to get started with research and share market tips in your trades? Just fill in your details in the form below and a callback will be arranged for you:
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best research team tradenexa
thans tradenexa
Don’t believe the account manager sharma. He is cheater in this company and i doubt the company itself fake. This guy asked me to sell the the stocks for 557 and he says target is 547. So I asked him , “the stock price already down , shall I buy instead of sell?”. He says No sell it. I had doubt but sold 500 shares in 59 price ad it then share price get increased. So finally i called Buy for 564.5. Then only I realized, this guy cheated me like he buy that share for some low amount and asked me to sell. That Guy name is sharma
trade nexa is good company b2b plan is good nice profit
thanku trade nexa
trade nexa is very good company and very good research….85% accuracy in a month very good support and very good levels in the…. thanks for good support & good calls in the market…
she is working in tradenexa dont belive her
It’s a farzi company . They gave me loss only
Fraud sale
I had worked with tradenexa. Very Nice experience. Company gave me good profits, some times I met losses, but overall company`s recommendations is very profitable. Employee way of talking is very nice, they talk very politely with customers. All time service available. I can say, client satisfaction is there.
Worst and fraud people …dont provide calls itself after the subscribing to there website . If your in loss then no question of recovery …they will ask more money again or simply give excuses . Stay away from this bloody cheap services
Fruad company and people who are working there ….please dont believe in there track sheet , its all fake , they provide calls which works in opposite direction …then no question of recovery and ask more n more money for recovery …..stay away from person called santosh jaiswal he is bloody cheater …..he has stopped taking my calls aftr i went into loss ….he will try to manipulate u by saying will give huge profit den u can pay our service charges and all…..please dont take any service neither trial calls if u dont want to loose ua money
Don’t get into there trap. They will harm your hard earned money. They do not have any levels. Especially don’t believe the person’s name called Saurabh and Raghav. Saurabh will say Raghav sir is expert in Banknifty and all. As per my experience he is the worst.
Very worst
Worst company… free trial good…. aftr we subscribe around two weeks good support aftr that worst and no suport… B2B also worst and HNI worse
Total fraud company… Took money but never gave any bank nifty call.. Emailed them several times.. Called them but no response.. Dont call in their trap. Total cheaters they are.. Intially they will talk politely but no research work they do
Believe me this is a fraud company …its my personal experience …they took 1.5 lakh from me and said to give a profit of 6 lakh in between 6 month …but after 3/4 months i had a loss of 2.5 lakh …if you are an Indian then believe me my brother and sisters … contact me i will give you proof (8249821027)….be aware before investment of your money …
Chor h कंपनी
Total farzi
Paisa lutne का काम करते हैं
Agar पैसा कमाना है ना भाई तो जाकर खुद research कर, ये 1992 movie dekhkr yha pessa mat luta in chutiyo pr to bilkul nhi, मुझे थोड़ा नुकसान हुआ 3हजार का वो मैने इनको टिप के बदले दिए थे , पर अब खुद research krta hu khud trade khridta hu to bhai jo bhi tip dhund rha he mat dhund jakr research kr